Monday, August 19, 2013

NiteFlirt Animation

NiteFlirt - an online phone-sex/web-cam company, shows a funny animated video about why you should use and pay for their services.

The animation starts off with several men in line waiting for the bus, they are of various ages, sizes and character types. A sexy, blonde, well-endowed woman bikes by in short shorts. Cue their various fantasies with the voice-over of a woman, "Everyone has erotic urges...". Pictures in thought-bubble shapes emerge with each of the men dressed up in their favorite erotic costume.

The woman voice goes on to say that the internet has "plenty of outlets" for such urges. However, it soon becomes clear that internet porn is only "one-dimensional" and "dull". The reason, after a hilarious Leonardo Da Vinci Vitruvian Man comparison, is that the dull internet experience, "Doesn't reach the most important organ of all--your brain!".

Next is an animation of a lonely man trying to latch himself up in handcuffs while looking at a porno mag. No, you really can't ask the porno mag to tie you up, what a shame!

But here's the kicker, as the female voice sagely advises, "In the real world, exploring your urges can be dangerous..." How? Here we see a doctor looking at a guy's junk and shaking his head, while the guy bursts out in tears. Oh dear, I wonder what happened to that guy?

Exploring urges is also, "expensive and frustrating" as we see a silhouette of a man presenting flowers to a woman who slams the door in his face. Gee, don't all women like flowers? Exploring your urges in the real world can also be, "inappropriate", as shown in the animation of a woman angrily presenting her husband with someone else's lipstick stain on his handkerchief or boxers (I couldn't tell which).

As the woman tells the men watching this animation, if they've stuck around long enough, it's "not always easy to explore hidden fantasies"--cue animation of man arriving in woman's boudoir in bunny costume, woman then turns back on him in fear.

And here it is at last, ladies (but mostly gentlemen), "That's where NiteFlirt comes in!". They are the number one provider, etc. etc. of real people, whom you can talk to, who won't be afraid to explore your nasty, abnormal desires with you. All anonymous and secure! So you don't have to worry about having a scary real-world relationship. Just spend your time (and lots of money) on strange women you've never seen in real life. "Guaranteed to Blow Your Mind!" The animation shows a brain exploding thus forth.

I understand the need to advertise and promote phone-sex with this great animation but come on, folks, let's get serious. Do you think they're being completely honest about what goes on in the real world? Is it really that difficult to find a kindred kinky spirit? Unless you're stuck in the boonies of Nebraska, you can find some people who are willing to interact with you via the internet, dating/hook-up sites, etc.

Unfortunately, the only people this ad caters to, are the shut-ins who don't desire any real contact at all. That's fine, I get the point of total anonymous contact (especially if one is married). But I do find the narrow-minded examples and unrealistic expectations, hard to swallow (if you'll excuse the pun). 

First of all, this site only caters to men. It's clear from the start, it's for MEN ONLY! Women are just there to provide the pleasure... according to the hilarious but unrealistic animation, women are afraid of sex and will do anything to avoid it. However, I wouldn't mind my guy in bunny costume!

The funny point is, most sex (even the kinky kind) can be had with good communication. 

Funnier point here is that these shut-ins are expected to 'communicate' their desires with strange women over the phone when they can't even present themselves to real women in real life. 

How the heck are these guys going to get off? "Oh gee, I don't know what I like... you tell me. I just called to, you know, get off." 

Such stimulating conversation indeed...

And such a waste of money! If men realize that size doesn't matter, to just be yourselves and have confidence and communicate, men wouldn't need to go through the endless trouble of porno/phone-sex sites. You could meet someone who likes the same kinky, crazy stuff you do and be comfortable with it.

But then again, if this happened NiteFlirt wouldn't be in business...

Oh well.