Thursday, December 13, 2018

Why Suicide Is Illegal

AKA, Why we can't talk about suicide.

I recently had someone report one of my posts on Facebook because I mentioned I was depressed and wanted to kill myself. Sounds like the right thing to do, right? WRONG.

In case you missed what I posted here earlier, feel free to wade through the Google crap blogger on here and find the article where I wrote about my horrendous experience with the mental health system.

Since I have now been reported and Google and Facebook is now watching my every move, I may have been reported to the authorities that I'm suicidal and have to wait for the cops on my doorstep to take me away and lock me up forever--thus negating any free-will or life that I could've had. Sounds like death doesn't it?

Let me tell you--it's okay to feel depressed. It's okay to feel bad. I would consider it abnormal to not feel bad in this society. If society is blaming you for feeling depressed and bad, chances are, society is abusing you. Abusers tend to blame the victims of their abuse quite often.

Is suicide bad? Sure it is. I'm not going to say it's good. Sure, the pain will end and so will your life. That's it. That's all folks! That's all suicide does. Suicide does not help you find other options (even if you have to suffer some years to find it), suicide doesn't help extend your life (as miserable as it may be), suicide also hides the problem of...Society!

See if we all killed ourselves, we can't address the problem of society--which is the core of why we're sick. Society wants to bury our problems in: pills, useless doctors, drinking, drugs, hypocrisy and other lies. If we kill ourselves, society will keep on doing this to people and will continue to abuse us victims and blame the problems on us.

Common things Society tells us: If you're not happy you're a bad person. If you're depressed it's your fault. What is wrong with you? You're sick. You're not one of us. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

That alone is enough to make a lot of us feel bad and hopeless and depressed.

Is it up to you to change society? Maybe not. That's a lot to ask when you're already feeling like shit.

But think of yourself as a witness. The more you live, the more you see and if what you're seeing is bad--then it's pretty plain where the problems are. It's not you--it's them. You're the victim they're the abuser.

Now if you're always seeing bad stuff...that's a problem. You gotta see the good in things too. If you're always depressed...then yeah, that really sucks. I can't offer any cures or remedies. I don't have the answers. I'm not posting any stupid suicide hotline numbers or doctors etc. You can find help yourself. That's right. You have free-will. It's up to you--not doctors, cops, pills or whatever. You.

I gotta enough shit to deal with. I can't offer advice, sorry. What I can offer is true insight and REAL DISCUSSION about depression and suicide without the bullshit mumbo jumbo. We've all heard it--you need to try harder, get help, get help, get help--it's been hammered into us enough times that I don't need to repeat it.

If we don't talk about the abuse, it won't be recognized. The abuse will continue. If we all talk though, then we can share solutions or at least how we get through work all day every day for no reason than to pay our rent so we don't become homeless on the street. Cuz there's nothing worse than dealing with depression and suicide than when you're homeless and that's when people really won't help you--then they tell you you're better off dead.

You have a right to live. You're better than this. It's okay to feel bad. You're not alone.

Let's talk about it.

#suicide #depression #lifesucks #iwanttokillmyself #googlethisshit