Sunday, February 3, 2013

"Branded Male" Book Review

Google Books

Branded Male - the inside look at the modern male and his buying habits.

What makes the modern man tick? What is he thinking when he buys the next Hugo Boss brand, Guinness drink or new iPhone? More importantly, how has the modern man's tastes evolved to become the new buying power of today?

Each chapter of the book describes a defining attribute of the modern man. From provider to consumer, the modern male of today has come a long way. No longer the bland office man in a suit from yesteryear, today's men prefer a more upscale image and the brands to go along with it.

Branded Male starts out with scenarios based on experience with the new male market. The author, Mark Tungate, has worked in the industry for many years and has published other books in this field.

The modern male is now a jet-setting trend finder who must keep up with the times, both in the office and about town. Higher salaries and status makes the modern male more susceptible to the influences of high fashion regarding clothing, accessories and even the kind of car he buys. It's rough being on top of the world and the demands are high.

One curious trend the author noted was the increase in male surgery, to keep the illusion of youth. A sixty-year-old man must compete with his 20-year-old girlfriend and often accompanies her to the plastic surgeon for a consultation of his own.

Granted the author's view of the elite man who requires such heavy maintenance co-insides with his own insights to the perspectives of his colleagues and friends. The author also makes many references to the number one icon of the age for men, James Bond. It's almost as if the title of the book should have been, "Bonded Male".

Branded Male also covers sensitive issues such as body image and the rise of men striving to imitate said male icon. Sex, Dating and Health are also covered in the chapters with a humorous and frank description. More over, the author does not shy away from the sad fact that STD's are on the rise since men don't feel they are at risk, thinking the AIDS epidemic has passed--mistakenly these men are wrong and suffer from the consequences of reality. The author also mentioned that older men are increasingly at risk for AIDS and STD's--an issue the modern man has not escaped.

Overall, the book is informative and a very interesting look at the modern man and his tastes. The Branded Male is a book that reflects the times of the new man of today and what he is looking for in the new market that can now cater to both sexes with refinement and style. If the modern man has evolved for today's fashion then certainly the same is true for the fashion world itself, which can now cater to a new set of ideals for the new generation of males.