Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I didn’t Vote today

On the news the poll results are coming in already, from the east coast, where the polling places have closed. I should be interested in the results but I’m not. I couldn’t care less.

I know how important it is to make your voice heard. I know many women fought hard and long to get a chance to be recognized as a voting citizen in this country. Women were the primary instigators for many of the positive changes in this country such as: abolition of slavery, children and worker’s rights, women’s rights, unions and medical care.

When I used to be a Democrat, I voted for President Obama and rejoiced at his election. Then more wars were started after he was given the Nobel Peace Prize. Now I know better. Politics is filled with corruption. I’ve become embittered and cynical of “Change”.

Now I’m decline to state. I don’t believe in party politics. I believe real change comes from people, not political groups or bureaucracy filled with the corruption of lobbyists and private corporations. You won’t see real change in politics or the White House, which is too entrenched in the pentagon and other bad influences.

The 99% are fighting for economic equality while the 1% still control over 50% of the wealth in this country. Prejudice remains with a black president. Women are still violated in this country. Not much has changed.

As for me, I’ve never felt less empowered in my entire life.

Since my life has taken a bad turn I don’t feel the need to participate in the same society that has rejected me. I don’t feel like taking part in any of their lies.

In order for “voting” to work, you must be recognized as a citizen and I’m not recognized as anything. I don’t have my own house nor have I lived in a residence for over 7 years. I don’t make enough money to pay taxes, so I’m not even one of those “Tax Paying Citizens” that the Republicans value so much.

My future is uncertain. How can I be expected to participate in public citizenship and make decisions for the city, state and federal causes when I can’t even control my own life?

This is the real question that bothers me.

For the first time in my life I’ve realized I can no longer predict what will happen to me or how I can control my life, especially when outside factors play such a big part in destroying my destiny. I am resentful of society and their lies, their false expectations of how to fit in and be a “citizen”. Not to mention a “human being”.

Is it any wonder I don’t feel like voting?