Friday, November 22, 2019

Everyday Stories Part II

Things I have seen today...

In a BART car I saw an ad warning men, ages 18-25, to sign up for the Selective Service System.
The Selective Service System is an independent agency of the United States government that maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription. Wikipedia
This was the first ad I've ever seen in the Bay Area and it makes me wonder if we're going to have a draft soon. I've only ever seen a reminder for a Selective Service System ad on a DMV form and some possible military and 9/11 posters.

I view this as bad news.

Now I know why... after reading through, I saw it requires immigrants to this country to register. Dear God, it's not enough we take their children and mothers away and separate them--we will also make them fight in our wars.

Who Must Register with Selective Service

  • Almost all men age 18-25 who are U.S. citizens or are immigrants living in the U.S. are required to be registered with Selective Service. U.S. law calls for citizens to register within 30 days of turning 18 and immigrants to register within 30 days of arriving in the U.S. --
 Another bad thing I've seen...

A poster warning of Worker's Comp Fraud, on a MUNI bus, showing a cartoon thief running off with money while an injured person stands by, 'When fraud happens, it happens to everyone!' so went the saying. I googled some poster ads and sure enough, many were of men in handcuffs and behind jail bars.

Treating workers like criminals is bad. We're not criminals. We're trying to survive in this country and make a decent wage. When that fails, we're stuck working multiple jobs that put our health and stress levels in jeopardy.

I have to wonder at this sudden surge of the "criminal worker" who goes out of their way to "rob employers of their money!" and other atrocities. Yes, fraud does happen but not so frequent as these ads depict. It's a very distorted view and is likely to scare off real claims from workers who are deserving of their compensation.

This hatred of the working-class is what led to de-regulation and the break-up of unions during the Reagan era. So far, this hasn't turned out so well for the 98% of us.

Due to fraud and government bailouts for the rich banks who committed these crimes, many lost their homes and their livelihood. I have yet to see them bail US out.

It also stinks of nazi propaganda when you see such an overload of hate against workers, many of whom are immigrants. It's no coincidence this comes at a time of unprecedented wealth in the US for the trillionaires and billionaires--who were never part of the working class to begin with and earn their money by scamming others.

My dictionary doesn't even have a proper spelling for trillionaire because apparently my 2012 laptop never conceived of such a notion. It's not a widely used word and it's not found in most dictionaries. The fact that we have trillionaires in the United States speaks volumes about how much corruption is here and how many are left out of their fair share.

We don't even have free healthcare. (#freehealthcare)

Speaking of, in San Francisco, we have a surge of Healthy SF Plans for the uninsured. We have a slew of Medi-Cal (California's version of Medicaid) ads on all our MUNI buses. There are more Covered CA ads for Open Enrollment period.

However, Covered CA is too complex for most to apply for, while at the same time many applicants are risking being uninsured during the transition period.

We have too many ads against the working class and poor and too many ads for government support which is shrinking everyday, due to the demands of the current tyrannical oligarchy who want even more power.

We are facing a war with Iran over oil. Reportedly, troops were sent back to the region near Syria with the Kurds--to protect the oil fields. (#nomoreoilwars)

As I attempted to look into this, my internet conveniently shut down.

And they say we have no censorship!

I think I've seen enough for today.