Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Everyday Stories Part III

We work in hell...

I'm still growing up. That is to stay, I've never grown up. Let me tell you that I didn't get my first full-time job until I came to San Francisco in 2015. That's not a good record. I've worked many times and much of the time, but I never got paid my due. I volunteered a lot and did tons of Free Work that never paid the bills. I still have a lot to learn.

Most privileged people have schooling, go to high school, go to college, graduate and get a job. I say this is for privileged people because most don't accomplish this. I know a lot of my friends went into the military after college and while some would say that's a job, it's definitely not the route they wanted to go. A lot of my friends have degrees but don't have a job that matches their skill level—or their debt. Many are stuck with jobs they hate or do just to pay the bills.
I never had to pay the bills... until I moved to San Francisco. After my grandparents died in 2016, I've been on my own—literally. No parents, no family, no support. Distancing myself from toxic people included those I once considered my relatives. But I am so much healthier this way. I have less anxiety, less stress and less self-hatred. Abusers come in all forms and it takes distance to recognize it.

Now I face the possibility of losing everything. I'm not good at ladder systems. I never get to the top. My childhood is proof of that. Every goddamn day I'm reminded at how close to the bottom I am. So many people fell off that ladder, some from way up high. They are clinging with slippery fingers on the few rungs they have before they hit the cold, cement ground below. And then there's the mud... the ever flowing, rising, putrid stench of the sewer-filled mud threatening to drown you at any moment.

I could quote all sorts of movies, “Sorry to Bother You”, “Parasite” and more. These films were made at a time of classism and wage poverty. It's still happening. We are constantly reminded of how frail this capitalist and classist society is. When only the few get rich and the rest are fighting for scraps, it's not hard to figure out a revolution is coming... and it will be bloody.

We normalize terrible things. We pretend it's normal to mistreat people, to abuse them and tell them it's not their place to complain, that they should be grateful for the miserable scraps they get (because why do they deserve better?). We leave the miserable low-wage poverty jobs for the immigrants and black people. There I said it. It's the truth. All the security guards working all-nighters, the warehouse workers, the caregivers, the low-wage scrape up the techie-created labor job peons: most are People of Color, Hispanic and Latino and Puerto Rican and Phillopino, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laos refugees, Chinese, Thai immigrants and people who are: NOT WHITE.

I'm talking about people working as: scooter delivery drivers, food delivery drivers, Uber/Lyft drivers, and other app-created jobs that rely on the low-wage and “independent contractor” positions that can never pay the bills. They have created a system of terminal poverty. The rich benefit from the services but the poor people supply the labor. How is this fair? It's a doomed pyramid scheme.

These haven't created jobs. They've prolonged poverty.

Most of the homeless on the street are People of Color. It's not a coincidence. Gentrification is a form of genocide. Displacement is a tactic in warfare.

All these things I see point in the same direction: homelessness, prison and eventually—death. How can I pretend I don't see what's right in front of me?

I never noticed it before. I didn't have to. Living in the suburbs of Chico was a very sheltered existence. We didn't see many black people. I hate to say it but it wasn't until Hurricane Katrina brought the displaced families to Chico, that we started to have residents who were People of Color. Now, of course, there are many People of Color in Chico and I'm glad. But I can't pretend the racism hasn't gone away.

I noticed the homeless. Sometimes I talked to them. But it was always at a distance. “Oh, well their lives are different from mine,” I thought. But I knew the truth. If it wasn't for my grandparents, I'd be there too. I'm not ignorant of the factors: abusive alcoholic parents, foster homes, group homes, institutions for “damaged” children... drugs, rape, more abuse. It could've been me—easily.

You expect people like that, people like us, to just get “a nice job”? It doesn't happen. The skills I learned and know today came from privilege.

verb [ with obj. ] formal
grant a privilege or privileges to: English inheritance law privileged the eldest son.
(usu. be privileged from) exempt (someone) from a liability or obligation to which others are subject.

chiefly historical a grant to an individual, corporation, or place of special rights or immunities, esp. in the form of a franchise or monopoly.

--New Oxford American Dictionary 3rd edition © 2010 by Oxford University Press, Inc.

Computers? I had some exposure in the institution I was in.
Having my own computer? Only from my uncle, did I ever get a computer.
Classes for typing and computer certificate? From a charter school that my grandmother enrolled me in when I couldn't stand the hell of high school.
Resume writing came only from experience and looking at other resumes online, which requires a subscription to the internet. No way could I ever do this in a library or on a library computer. They make it difficult for a reason...

The rich people don't want the poor to have knowledge. They delight in knowing there is always someone under them, so they can feel superior. The working-class feel superior over the poor but don't rise up because they don't want to lose the few scraps they have. The poor are angry but every time they fight back, they are jailed. Once you are jailed, you are stuck in the mud. Even if you manage to put your hand on a ladder rung, your pants and shoes are covered in mud.

I'm privileged enough to have had a roof over my head, to have lived among the “rich”, to experience the privilege of “the good life”. I know it's all so fragile. Money doesn't matter to me, unless I need housing or to eat.

I don't want to live in a mansion. The rich are cold and distracted. I don't ever want to be a rich person. Their houses are always empty and filled with stuff that they have no attachment to. Rich people's houses don't feel like home. Rich people are only concerned with themselves and don't see or care about other people. Rich people haven't suffered like the working-class and poor have. Rich people don't have compassion because they never had to.

My traumatized life opened my eyes to suffering and pain. I see it everywhere now. It's like something I can't shut off. My grandmother was always so sensitive. I think she went through something bad in her life too.

I don't want to become bitter and cold. I want to connect with people and not be alone. I need something that connects me to life and can't shelter myself too much. I don't want a job that turns me into a monster. I can't work a corporate job and pretend “everything is fine”. I always see the problems and the glaring inequities around me. Most people are fine with ignoring such things. They have their scraps and they want to keep them.

I want something more in life.

Why do we put up with hell to get so little in return? What in society has changed us so that we expect so much less of ourselves, of others and of society?

We don't want welfare. We want jobs. We don't want to have to rely on disability but to be able to support ourselves and have free healthcare—which would save a lot of jobs and a lot of people on disability. We're not lazy. We're sick of our hard work counting for nothing and being punished after we've worked ourselves to the bone.

We're bitter and disappointed. We're resentful and angry. We're killing ourselves and each other with pills and guns and sometimes bombs.

Where has our optimism gone? What happened to the change that was promised to us?

When we are confronted with the failures and lies of our jobs, our living situations and of our government, we turn angry and take our anger out on others. We are not fulfilled in America. The government has turned our dissatisfaction on us and made us hate each other and our neighbors who are fleeing violence. We are fed the false promise of riches while facing the ugly truth of poverty and made into weapons of violence against each other.

This rise in homelessness is not a coincidence. This rise in detaining, abusing and murdering of immigrants is not a coincidence. This hatred of the “others” is not a coincidence. This is all happening at a time when our civil liberties are at risk, and the government we believed in is going through chaos. This happens at a time when we are challenged with evidence of the truth but prefer to believe in the “safe” lies we are fed by those with interests apart from ours.

How can we go on like this?

I think of what my life will be like ahead of me and I can honestly say that I don't have much hope. When I see such injustice around me it does not make for “better times ahead”.

Unless we rise up and fight against this injustice, there is no hope. 

#freehealthcare #civilrights #taxtherich #fightinjustice #abolishice #abolishcbp #nomorewars #nowarforoil #closeguantanamo #noprivateprisons 

Friday, November 22, 2019

Everyday Stories Part II

Things I have seen today...

In a BART car I saw an ad warning men, ages 18-25, to sign up for the Selective Service System.
The Selective Service System is an independent agency of the United States government that maintains information on those potentially subject to military conscription. Wikipedia
This was the first ad I've ever seen in the Bay Area and it makes me wonder if we're going to have a draft soon. I've only ever seen a reminder for a Selective Service System ad on a DMV form and some possible military and 9/11 posters.

I view this as bad news.

Now I know why... after reading through, I saw it requires immigrants to this country to register. Dear God, it's not enough we take their children and mothers away and separate them--we will also make them fight in our wars.

Who Must Register with Selective Service

  • Almost all men age 18-25 who are U.S. citizens or are immigrants living in the U.S. are required to be registered with Selective Service. U.S. law calls for citizens to register within 30 days of turning 18 and immigrants to register within 30 days of arriving in the U.S. --
 Another bad thing I've seen...

A poster warning of Worker's Comp Fraud, on a MUNI bus, showing a cartoon thief running off with money while an injured person stands by, 'When fraud happens, it happens to everyone!' so went the saying. I googled some poster ads and sure enough, many were of men in handcuffs and behind jail bars.

Treating workers like criminals is bad. We're not criminals. We're trying to survive in this country and make a decent wage. When that fails, we're stuck working multiple jobs that put our health and stress levels in jeopardy.

I have to wonder at this sudden surge of the "criminal worker" who goes out of their way to "rob employers of their money!" and other atrocities. Yes, fraud does happen but not so frequent as these ads depict. It's a very distorted view and is likely to scare off real claims from workers who are deserving of their compensation.

This hatred of the working-class is what led to de-regulation and the break-up of unions during the Reagan era. So far, this hasn't turned out so well for the 98% of us.

Due to fraud and government bailouts for the rich banks who committed these crimes, many lost their homes and their livelihood. I have yet to see them bail US out.

It also stinks of nazi propaganda when you see such an overload of hate against workers, many of whom are immigrants. It's no coincidence this comes at a time of unprecedented wealth in the US for the trillionaires and billionaires--who were never part of the working class to begin with and earn their money by scamming others.

My dictionary doesn't even have a proper spelling for trillionaire because apparently my 2012 laptop never conceived of such a notion. It's not a widely used word and it's not found in most dictionaries. The fact that we have trillionaires in the United States speaks volumes about how much corruption is here and how many are left out of their fair share.

We don't even have free healthcare. (#freehealthcare)

Speaking of, in San Francisco, we have a surge of Healthy SF Plans for the uninsured. We have a slew of Medi-Cal (California's version of Medicaid) ads on all our MUNI buses. There are more Covered CA ads for Open Enrollment period.

However, Covered CA is too complex for most to apply for, while at the same time many applicants are risking being uninsured during the transition period.

We have too many ads against the working class and poor and too many ads for government support which is shrinking everyday, due to the demands of the current tyrannical oligarchy who want even more power.

We are facing a war with Iran over oil. Reportedly, troops were sent back to the region near Syria with the Kurds--to protect the oil fields. (#nomoreoilwars)

As I attempted to look into this, my internet conveniently shut down.

And they say we have no censorship!

I think I've seen enough for today. 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Everyday Stories

I see stories everyday but I don't have time to write them all down. It seems like I don't have enough time or strength to do anything...

Every day, I see stories.

Today, I saw two military recruiters in the BART station at Powell. I've never seen them there before and it's the spot that musicians usually take when they're performing (and busking). I wonder why the military is tabling at a BART station. It seems bad, like they're desperate for people to join. If we have more wars, more people will be needed to fight them. We don't need a draft in the US, because we already have an economic draft. People are desperate for jobs.

Every day, I see people.

Whose story do I want to tell? Do I have the right to tell someone else's story? I used to interview people for their stories. Now I don't get to talk to anyone. It's not my job to be interested anymore. I'm still curious though...

I have a lot of guilt. When I see homeless people, usually people of color, I feel guilty. I don't want to focus on the guilt. I want to focus on the people. It's hard to look at people sometimes. Mostly I just keep to myself. I don't want to get involved. I don't have strength to get involved. I have my own problems and like most people, I'm too consumed by my own troubles to care. I feel heartless. I feel cynical and jaded. I'm becoming what I hate. But this wasn't supposed to be about me. This was supposed to be a story about other people.

Every day, I'm tired.

No matter how much sleep I get, I'm always exhausted in the morning. Yeah, losing a job sucks and it really wrecks havoc on your daily routine. I have more time to write but I don't feel like writing. There's so much I have to do... How can I be so busy when I'm not working? I post to Facebook sometimes. I need to get off Facebook. My friends are on Facebook and they post a lot of stuff. I don't get to read it all because Facebook messes with algorithms. I think Facebook is a waste of time. Doesn't anyone talk on the phone or in person anymore?

Sometimes I lose a lot of weight. I always feel like I'm dragging my body along, even after I lose a few pounds. I shouldn't be losing weight. I feel like crap. I feel like I'm hungry from Celiac and tired and worn out... I feel like a dried up husk of a person and that pretty soon the rest of me will give up. It explains my depression.

Every day, I'm stressed.

Stress is bad. Everyone knows this, yet we don't do anything to stop it. Work causes stress. People cause stress. My living situation causes me stress. I don't have room for a proper bed, it's always noisy, I'm uncomfortable when I sleep and I never feel at home in my ten by ten foot room. I feel like crying at times. Sometimes I do cry. It doesn't help much. I feel drained. I feel like the world is a vampire. I just want to get away from people, be out in nature and sleep forever. I shouldn't feel like this.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Too Tired

Lately, I've been too exhausted to do anything.

I can't write. I can't sleep well. No matter how many hours I lie in bed, I always feel exhausted when I wake up.

I've been working too much and doing nothing at the same time.

Retail work doesn't suit me. Sitting for eight hours at a time and waiting for people to buy stuff doesn't work. I get tired of sitting and doing nothing. I read sometimes but I'm always interrupted by the odd customer who asks, “How much is this?” before they say, “That's too expensive!” and then they leave the store.

I've seen enough of the customers in San Francisco to know how the routine goes.

The regulars are nice. They live in the area and shop local. You usually know them by name and what they always buy. Then you get the tourists. They are a mixed bag. Some are nice, others are not so nice. It can go either way. Then you get the assholes... and when you get the assholes, it's always bad no matter what you do. I'd rather not focus on them. I won't waste words about them. This is about me.

I've done all sorts of jobs: caregiver, sign waver, janitor, cafeteria worker, food service, pet-sitter, front desk at a museum, reading tutor, camp counselor... etc. None of them ever paid a living wage. It wasn't until I came to San Francisco that I got my first full-time job that paid a living wage. Too bad rent was going for $3,000 a month. Now it's $4,000 for a one bedroom and $2,000 for a studio. That's how it goes, I guess.

What I can't stand is how employers treat people. I get that employees don't stick around the Bay Area but when employers use you faster than disposable toilet paper, you get the feeling you're not valued. I've been getting that a lot lately. It's not that I don't do my job: I show up on time, I do my work and clean up. But I got tired of working overtime, and not getting paid for it. I got tired of pulling big sales and not getting a sales bonus. I also got tired of the questions...

Suddenly, the whole Bay Area doesn't trust anyone over 30-years-old. “How old are you?” is a question I get a lot. Also, “When did you graduate? How long have you been in school?” is another way employers ask your age. “Are you married? Do you have kids?” is the next question, though it's supposed to be against the law for people to ask this. I was told there was this “old” woman working in a gym at the front desk (alongside a bunch of kids out of high school). It turns out she was only middle-aged. What the hell?

I was told to get pregnant by my boss and co-workers. I've been asked why I couldn't find a man by a manager, who had kids when he was 16 and got some girl pregnant at 15. I've been asked why I'm not married by a woman who had four divorces and several children in two countries, along with a toddler she had under the care of her mother, who was also her ride to work.

I'm getting real tired of it all.

I've seen so many red flags on jobs that it's become a routine checklist:
  • Employer calls me by my email name, not my real name.
  • Employer calls me by phone, even though I said for them to contact me by email
  • Employer calls me by phone four hours after the job is posted, right after I send my resume in (see above)
  • Employer demands an interview the same day or the next day (because they're desperate to fill the position that is now suddenly vacant)
  • Employer has a large turn over of employees, in only one year (see above)
  • Employer can't keep employees longer than a year, which explains why they're so desperate to find another person, every six months
  • Employers post the same ad for the same position, every six months
  • Employer talks disparagingly of the last employees, “Oh they were flakes... weren't serious about their job” etc etc.
  • Employer pays you less than the going rate
  • Employer has you sign a bunch of papers and grudgingly gives you a copy
  • Employer gives you a negative job performance review after three months and tells you if you don't clean up your act, you won't get a bonus
  • Employer pays you late or forgets to send in the payroll you submitted to them which was on time and because your paycheck is late, so is your rent
  • Employer offers you a cash advance (with a lot of interest) because they claim they never got your payroll hours on time
  • Employer sends you passive aggressive emails about how employees can turn into monsters and ruin the business unless their behavior is nipped in the bud
  • Employer denies your bonus even though you've done excellent sales
  • Employer leaves the bathroom a mess every time and doesn't flush the toilet, expecting you to flush and clean up the mess and the employer probably hasn't even washed their hands ever since that time they refused to flush the toilet even though you put a sign on the door that is underlined: Please flush the toilet before you leave
  • Employer plays mind games with you and co-workers, playing you against each other and warning you about “the old lady” or “the slacker” when they don't give a shit about any of you
  • Employer is always away from work and hard to get a hold of when a problem comes up
  • Employer denies that there is a problem even though you've brought the problem up many, many times before but they never got back to you for some reason
  • Employer refuses to talk about problems, puts it all on you to solve and blames you when the problem doesn't go away on its own
  • Employer is pissed at you because since you've quit they've had to deal with all the problems you've dealt with, on top of running the business and now they're overwhelmed and cranky all the time but you don't need their reference because you've already found a different and better job that doesn't put you through a bunch of shit

And then there's this:
  • Employer doesn't have you sign anything and tells you to come to work the next day— which leads to (see below)
  • Employer not paying you for your work after you're “on call” for two weekends with no set schedule or payment arrangement that leads to— (see below)
  • Employer having to go to court with you over not paying you for your work after you've made a complaint to the Department of Labor
  • Employer also threatening to sue you because you posted publicly about why you quit your job or why your job performance is suffering or why some customers are mad at you or why you're always exhausted or how you're sick of it all and your job makes you want to kill yourself

So yeah... I've been tired. :-(

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Privilege and Germs

I notice a lot of people complaining about riding MUNI and BART — most of them are techies.

With all the damn scooters and Ubers around, you would think the techies wouldn't bother with plebeian transportation. Yet somehow these “germophobes” find their way to the rest of us who ride on public transportation in SF (San Francisco).

The main complaint? The homeless and their GERMS!

The techies have never heard of hand sanitizer apparently.

Sure, MUNI and BART is gross at times. I've seen my share of: vomit, piss and shit. That's the whole human race though — we're all really animals, it's just some are better at disguising this defect and we call those types: The Privileged.

I wonder at this trend of privilege and germophobia. Turns out it started in the Victorian age as in, the age of sickness, fever, plagues and death.

They never washed their hands in those days. Sewage was out in the street and there were no antibiotics or vaccines then. Penicillin (which I'm allergic to) didn't exist yet. Those were times to be afraid of germs.

But a new germophobia continued throughout the age and it turned into a new kind of threat: the immigrant germ phobia.

In Jack Herrera's article on Pacific Standard ( published online in May 15, 2019, the racist agenda is still at work when it comes to blaming any new plague on the immigrant population. The US has a notorious reputation for denying entry into the country based on a health inspection where anything from lice to a cough could put you back on the boat.

The most threatening fact is that the current Trump administration is trying to use this tactic again with refugees coming into the US. Other than the total racist agenda at work, the claim that immigrants bring diseases is, to quote the article, unfounded. It's rather the poor conditions people have suffered through that leads to the spread of disease — most of which can be cured with simple medicine and better living standards.

I've seen my share of the “immigrant condition”. Readers who have followed me know I live in Chinatown, the last place in SF where the rent isn't $3K-$4K. But not for long. Whole blocks are torn down in SOMA to make way for the rich condos that all working-class in San Francisco can't afford to live in. Those who can't afford the hefty price of “luxury” have to settle for run-down wrecks known as SRO's, the old barracks of the working-class and a shameful reminder of San Francisco's marginalization of the non-rich population.

The filth I've witnessed here is best left unsaid but I blame it on poor conditions: no bathrooms in the units so 10+ people on each floor share a bathroom, and poor hygiene awareness. Many of the folks in the building are old and are not aware of how to properly “clean” themselves or the bathrooms they use. Slop buckets must be popular in China, where in most places there is no sewage.

I've had my share of disgust and contempt here. What makes it worse though, is the knowledge that there is nothing else around... as the rich techie kids make AirBnB rentals out of the SRO's in Chinatown — resulting in higher rents. I'm quite disgusted with it all.

These over-privileged kids make a big deal about how they don't want to get their hands dirty — especially when they've never done a bit of hard work in their life. I've done more than my share of “dirty” jobs and I'm not ashamed. Working in an animal shelter removed whatever squeamish reaction I would've had to anything grungy. I've also been a care-worker and seen my share of human filth. I'm pretty much immune to it. That being said, I hate being sick and manage to avoid it. I only get sick about twice a year, and that's with everyone coughing on me and me riding the MUNI and BART. Why am I not dead yet?

Too much germophobia can be harmful. My grandmother put bleach in everything, even the food. She'd wash vegetables and soak the fruit with a drop of bleach, just like she was told to do in her day. I never quite understood this hysteria she had for germs but she'd tell me horror stories constantly of people catching tapeworms, E. Coli., dysentery and other horrible diseases — all because someone didn't wash their hands.

I gather the task of keeping the household germ-free fell mostly to women, as my grandfather never worried himself over this and certainly my father, who fished in the wilds and slept in his van sometimes, didn't bother himself over. I was reminded yet again, how the system of oppression against women works in such conniving ways.

The war on germs came from doctors, as they were likely paid by commercial companies who sold soap and bleach to ward off the evils of filth. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” was pushed to the extremes during the 1950's because what else did women have to do when they came back from the World War Two factories and jobs? They went back into the household to have babies and the men from war went back to work, leaving all the women alone to fend for themselves in the next invisible war: contagion.

Worse than the Cold War, this was a war with no visible weapons and woman's only defense was the shield of chemical compounds known as bleach and other abrasive, poisonous ingredients. Why on earth would women use such dangerous chemicals? Fear. It was widespread through ads warning about what could happen to the children, should they come across the infestation known as germs. Won't you think of the children? The ads screamed from newspapers, magazines, radio and now TV ads.

And yes, women were to blame for their unhygienic condition too. In Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English's book, “Complaints and Disorders: The Sexual Politics of Sickness” (Feminist Press, 1973) there was widespread belief about a woman's body and her “cleanliness” factor. Men's disgust of women's bodies spread into the medical field as doctors told women to douche with bleach... down there.

Although these ads are clarified now as a false method of birth control, the bleach douche was nevertheless touted as a way to make women's bodies “odor free”. Whatever the hell that's supposed to mean... as conclusive evidence points out that douching with bleach is more likely to kill you than cure you of anything.

My grandmother told me her doctor advised her to follow this horrendous and life-threatening act. When I asked my grandma why, she just shrugged her shoulders, “That's what they all told us then, we didn't know any better so we just did as we were told.” I'll also point out that a few doctors almost killed her with their ineptitude and blatant disregard for her health.

Doctors did a lot of harm to women and the trend continues today.

Germophobia takes its toll in more ways than you'd think. Being afraid of germs can take a toll on your psychological and social health. I remember as a kid being afraid to touch the toilet seat for fear I would catch something... as my grandmother falsely believed, I could possibly catch AIDS. I was afraid to use public toilets at times. I chastised my friends for not washing their hands and in return I got funny looks from them and later had to eat lunch by myself. On a personal note, my fear of germs also damaged my intimate relationships to where I was constantly afraid of catching an STD from skin contact or kissing... until I finally got over it and learned about safe sex. Germs happen and you just learn to live with them.

Now I'm living in poverty, I just don't care anymore. I figure the germs already had a chance to kill me when I visited Thailand a while back and now here in Chinatown I think my immune system has seen it all. I'm still here. I still wash my hands. I'm more lackadaisical about hygiene when it comes to doing the dishes, the laundry and riding public transport.

These days the only disease I'm afraid of catching is the incurable contagion known as: The Rich. Their disgusting, unfounded disdain and hatred for the poor is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. You can't sanitize that. We have yet to make a vaccine against the entitled assholes in San Francisco and the rest of the country. It's a hard enough job cleaning the putrefied dump in the White House.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

"Born And Raised"

Everyone in SF asks me where I'm from. I have to say, "East Bay Native" (though I'm not Native American), or I get the stink eye. I get the stink eye a lot from "Native San Franciscans"... whose parents came over from the East Coast, etc.

It's one thing to have pride over where you're from -- it's another to lord it over someone in an elitist attempt at exclusion.

I also blame capitalism and commercialism.

In most stores in SF, you find "Born SF!" and "Born CA!", "Grown Local" T-shirts and even baby onesies. As if it really matters where you're born. Yes, SF trinkets are popular for tourists and visitors to CA love the Yosemite and Redwood tree items.

It's all made in China, of course but it's supposed to be designed "locally".

But what if those items said "Born And Raised US", "Made in the USA" or "Grown in USA"? That would be a bit strange wouldn't it? Especially since the Trump administration has used ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and CBP (Customs and Border Protection) to oust immigrant workers, DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients and even taxpayers.

See Detroit Free Press article: "After 30 years in U.S., Michigan Dad deported to Mexico" by Niraj Warikoo, January 15th, 2018.

My mind flashes back also to those "American Flags" people use so much in Patriotism -- which are all made in China.

Read The Atlantic article here by Michael D. Breidenbach, July 4th, 2018: "Raising the American Flag Made in China",

Borders and nationalism have been a contentious issue of late.

All this "I was born and raised" stuff also makes for a contentious race problem. East Bay and Oakland is known as the "black" area. SF has become the whitest city, with many POC homeless now on the street, due to their housing being demolished in favor of million dollar condos and luxury apartments.

The Fulton 555 being constructed now, is right across from low-income and Section 8 housing off Laguna. The Fulton 555 "luxury" apartment/condos are out of the price range for the average worker in SF who makes above-minimum wage ($18-20 an hour). Their website doesn't even show the cost of the units.

Saying you're "Born And Raised" in SF has become an elitist status symbol, along with the neighborhood you live in. Whatever you do, don't say you're from Bayview. The area of Bayview and Hunter's Point is the "outside" land of SF, which was made famous in the movie, "The Last Black Man in San Francisco" (2019). It's also known for it's marginalized population of black people. The 19 Polk bus connects Hunter's Point with Hyde Street Pier and Fisherman's Wharf.

Pollution has ruined the area of Hunter's Point and has caused a massive health concern among residents. The city of San Francisco has yet to make full reparations and clean-up efforts have been slow. Although parts of Hunter's Point are already facing the dreaded "gentrification" as more investors seek real estate to pour their money into. The future environmental problem remains to be seen as the area was known for it's toxic waste.

As we are becoming aware (again) of our fragile world-wide ecosystem with the climate crisis and environmental catastrophes happening, perhaps a good motto would be "Born And Raised Earth".

How nice it would be to see a phrase that unites us as a species in a world-wide platform, one without borders, race, economic class status and one that recognizes the fragile place we hold together.

For all I know there is indeed a T-shirt that says, "Born And Raised Earth". I would like to see more of them.

The next time someone asks me where I'm from, I'll say, "Earth". I have a lot of pride about where I'm from.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Putting the Homeless in Concentration Camps

Trump's new target on the liberal state of California? The homeless.

After a brief visit to the Bay Area, with many protesters organizing the 'Baby Trump' blimp balloon with an 'up-yours' welcome, Trump's appearance proved to be forecast of heavy dystopia. Hey, Google, learn to spell dystopia -- we'll be using that word a lot these days!

Take it from an article in the San Francisco Examiner ( by Stuart Schuffman: we should all be scared. Very scared. When a tyrant threatens to 'remove the unsightly homeless' in America -- who do you think will be next for the roundup?

First the immigrants. Now the homeless...
Next: will it be you?

Who else do tyrants hate? An opposition. You only have to look at Hitler to figure out what happens... Hitler killed his own men. "Night of the Long Knives", written by The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica (, describes Hitler's plot to overthrow his opposition -- even killing those in his own party and his comrade, Ernst Röhm.

And oh yeah -- don't forget the journalists. With news of the Trump administration now suing Edward Snowden over a memoir that allegedly contains US security information, the level of hatred towards journalists and government whistle blowers has reached an all-time high.

The anti-media sentiment has spread through Republican and conservative groups, casting doubt and disdain over what's reported by the American people for the American people.

It will only be a matter of time before we see familiar faces in America, locked up behind bars. It's no coincidence that Trump's war on the immigrants and homeless comes at a time when private prisons are making a huge profit.

As California votes to ban private prisons and detention centers, the racist conservative agenda is trying to cut through the progressive tide. According to The Ithican ( and its source The Equal Justice Initiative (,

"Corrections Corporation of America, the largest private prison company in the U.S., has seen a 500% increase in profit throughout the last 20 years".

The practice of these detention centers began before Obama but didn't end with the election of the progressive and Democrat president. To see a timeline of these detention centers in America, this website shows a clear picture: . Sadly, it is noted that during the Clinton administration (Democrat), these detention facilities and their cruel laws were strengthened. It's hard to say why these so-called liberal administrations would support such measures.

The rise of for-profit prisons go hand-in-hand with draconian laws against "crime and drugs". The homeless problem has stemmed from many causes: lack of social support and services, severance from previous government support, joblessness, and abuse. Regan cried for a crackdown on drugs while shutting down support services for the mentally ill -- which led them to the street -- which led to drugs.

You are more likely to do drugs when forced to survive on the streets. The National Coalition for the Homeless published the article, "Substance Abuse and Homelessness (, citing that people on the street often turn to drugs to alleviate their distress.

Reagan was also known for shutting down unions, which led to many jobs lost. In John Komlos' piece on, "Column: How Reaganomics, deregulation and bailouts led to the rise of Trump"
(, he cites that starting with Reagan, America has gone into a downward spiral of corruption which has led to the present level of the rich 1% gaining the biggest wealth while the middle-class and working class continue to shrink and lose money.

It may also explain why some working class people and some poor, voted for Trump. Does Trump care for the poor? Certainly not! But he sure has a lot of money, doesn't he? Money is what got him his seat in the White House.

When you've done everything right in the world and worked hard but still can't make ends meet, then something must be wrong... it can't be you, right? Who's to blame? When the rich CEO's keep saying that they have to cut costs because of XYZ and yet those CEO's get millions in bonuses while workers lose their jobs... something must be behind it.

People don't want to believe that they're at fault for losing all they've tried to gain. People don't like to have their beliefs challenged either. When society fails to live up to its promise and you've followed society's rules to the letter -- well, it can't be my fault! That's what they always say... it has to be someone else.

Guess who takes the blame?

Economic uncertainty seems to be the root of racial and ethnic disparity, along with war. Immigrants and non-whites often bear the burden of blame when the economy goes sour. And when war is declared, all ideas of equality cease to exist.

We will forget the Greatest Generation. The last of the World War II era people are dying and have died. We will only remember what is written in history. History belongs to the victors. Not many recall the atrocities done during that time...

Concentration Camps.
Japanese Internment Camps.
Nuclear War.
The attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Millions killed...

In an article on the website Global Research, by Professor Michel Chossudovsky, "The Loss of Life, From World War I to World War III. What Would Happen if a Third World War Were to Break Out?" (, we see the implications of what war can bring.

There is no profit.

No one should make money by killing people.

And yet these wars drag on... costing the US trillions of dollars. According to CNBC National Security Reporter Amanda Macias,

the US has spent $5.9 trillion dollars since 2001. (

Those trillions of dollars could've been spent on social programs here in the US. We could've built housing for all our homeless in this country with money to spare. With homelessness costing the US billions of dollars, it's a problem that can easily be solved with the right direction of money.

If Trump really wanted to end homelessness, all he has to do is stop profiting from war. But he doesn't want to do that, does he? A lot of people are profiting off these wars and detention facilities.

The Globe Post cites people, mostly Republican and Republican lawmakers, who've made money off detention centers. ( Dana Nickel wrote, "Who Profits From Migrant Detention in the US?" with startling details. She reported:

"Prominent Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), for example, received thousands of dollars from CoreCivic in 2018 alone". (

Many are looking to profit off the wars in the Middle East, which have no end in sight. The Military Times article, "Here’s the blueprint for Erik Prince’s $5 billion plan to privatize the Afghanistan war"
( by Tara Copp reports that Erik Prince, founder of the government services and security company Blackwater USA, is looking to privatize the Afghanistan war.

An excerpt regarding the operations of Blackwater in Afghanistan reads as follows,

"Blackwater quickly became a symbol of what government watchdogs said was out-of-control war spending." (ibid)

At the very least, one would call this plan a conflict of interest. But if you pay closer attention, it leads to a very corrupt and scary insertion of privatized military interest backed by a tyrant called Trump.

Erik Prince has close ties with Trump. Take a gander at the Mother Jones article by Nathalie Baptiste, "Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Finally Admits He Attended a Controversial Trump Tower Meeting". (

It's a secret web of lies with international espionage and treason. Plotting to influence or overthrow elections for US President? Check. Holding sway over possible future wars with Iran, plotted by Saudi Arabia? Check. It's enough to put someone on trial... too bad the government doesn't care. Erik Prince is currently backed by Chinese money, in the amount of $1 trillion dollars ( --

Why did I do all this digging you ask? To show that this so-called homeless problem is not really a homeless problem at all -- but rather a disgusting attempt by a corrupt tyrant to make more money off the unfortunate, all while ripping away the American people's rights.

I still can't understand how persecuting one group of people is supposed to give the rest of us more rights, jobs and money. It simply does not work out and makes no sense. We are not safer either. In no circumstance has putting women and children in these detention centers made us safer.

There is no proof that we are safer when we detain people at the border and kill them. Killing farmers, women and children in Afghanistan doesn't make us safer.

I refuse to believe that by having a military state, we as Americans and as people, will be safer.

History has shown us the truth.

Then They Came for Me: Incarceration of Japanese Americans during WWII and the Demise of Civil Liberties

Then They Came For Me: Martin Niemöller, the Pastor Who Defied the Nazis

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out

because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out

because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out

because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.

-Martin Niemöller


Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Moving Ahead

If anyone just read the last post, it was really depressing. It's okay. Depression is totally acceptable and I don't care what society says, I'm allowed to have feelings.

Update: I quit the second job I was taking (still haven't been paid for it), after I realized the situation was really bad and possibly abusive. It turns out I was 100% right, as the employer refuses to pay me minimum wage for training and may not even pay me at all.
  • Lack of communication
  • No time set for training/unclear scheduling/last minute scheduling
  • Bad work environment
  • Lack of co-worker interaction/communication/transparency
If you see these signs anywhere, it's time to leave.

My self-esteem took a nose dive as I realized I was comparing myself to others and it was making me terribly insecure. I realize society does this on purpose to people in order to fester a false purpose: make us buy crap, make us compete for scraps, etc.

I'm not rich.

Let me repeat that... I'm not rich. I have to work for money. Employers control that money. I must use my skills to ensure I get paid and work it out so I can have a good work to live balance. After four years, since moving to SF in 2015, to get my first full-time job, I finally have a reasonable schedule with weekends off and somewhat decent pay above minimum wage.

Unless I get fired.

It's all in the hands of the employer. Which means it may be necessary to switch jobs many times in a year to find a decent one to stick with for at least two years. That's called: Real Life.

Don't rush into jobs where they hire only part-time students. This means they don't care about you and it's basically slave-labor. You are disposable here. Wait until the holiday season when the kids drop like flies and employers are desperate for help, as everyone leaves town and employers want a day off.

Then talk your way into a full-time job after December, since you're the only reliable person left. 

Don't get abused by your employer. You are still the labor force they need. Without you they have to do it all themselves and they will burn out quickly. Most places need two owners/managers to keep it going and that's because one of them can't really do the job all that well.


I may have to cut some so-called friends. Some of my friendships have turned abusive: condescending attitude towards what I do for a living, how I live, what I do with my life etc. I have better enemies than friends like this. If anyone does this to you, drop them like the useless baggage they are.

Bowing out...

I've been "invited" to many events/classes (ordered to show up regardless of my work schedule or personal comfort). I will no longer bow down to people's wills and whims--instead I will bow out gracefully or slam the door in their face. I don't need this shit. It's my life.

Setting decent boundaries.

This is important to protecting yourself and pacing yourself. Right now, my room is a mess but I have a blow-up queen bed I can sleep in so... YAY! I'm sleeping better now. I can't afford or have time for remodeling my room to Ikea (c) standards. It's not going to happen. I live in filth sometimes but that's how it is. I cannot change this unless my living situation changes which won't happen because I can't afford even $1,500 rent. So tough.

I'm not "edu-macated". I don't have a Master's Degree. It's okay. All my friends who have this piece of paper that cost them $50,000+ are now working in restaurants, as nannies or with horrible part-time jobs. A few teach... and make no money. I have no degree, no student debt and make some money to keep myself going. I'm okay with that.

No rich parents. No parents at all. 

The constant lying and stories I come up with to fill this gap amazes me and I wonder how I do it, then remember I'm a writer and I can make anything up and be good at it. People believe me because I'm a damn good writer and my life borders on the unbelievable to nearly impossible, so it's totally real.

"Lovers are Losers" -- Molly Nilsson.

The anxiety that comes from dating may be too much for me. Other people's expectations push me in directions I don't care to venture into.

  • Have sex on the 3rd date (Um, is there my own house on the 3rd date? Cuz' I'm not risking getting pregnant for nothing!). I seriously need more than a flashing text for commitment. 
  • Don't be needy. Let them know you need them. (Wtf?)
  • Play games. Don't play games. (see above)
  • Be rich. (Well, fuck this shit!)
  • Be blonde, with breast surgery, botox, a tan that gives you cancer, false teeth, a plastic vagina, hairless body, beauty contestant, virgin, sex whore, wife, who keeps her figure no matter how many babies she's had who wants to marry men based on society's standards of what a man should be and live up to those false standards no matter how miserable she is, etc.

No dude on earth is going to pressure me into anything without something in return -- and screw all society!

I've read the Men's Elite Advice and it's a piece of shit, written by ass-hole men who want to flash their cars and blonde girls at you for money. Don't believe any of their shit. Same with the dumb-ass blonde women who tell you the same shit but from a different gender.

I won't go into queer advice because I can't keep up with all of that. I'm not Queer, I'm just me, and I don't do labels.

Avoid Social Media.

This has caused me to lash out at people and react in horrible ways I shouldn't. Reading bad news over and over again is not helpful. 

Fear. Fear. Fear. 

My own fears get the better of me, mixed with societal anxieties and pressures that I'd rather just shut away and never look at again. 

I've been gaslighted when my life was in danger and people cared more about the rapist than myself... so that says it all right there. When people defend aggressors and creeps, it's time to step away from those people. All of them. Every. Single. One.

I'm going to be myself and everyone can piss off. I'm too old for this shit and I want to live my own life. 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Living without Attachments

It's now 2019 in San Francisco and I moved here in 2015 of May. I'm not looking forward to the future...

I'm now working six days a week, eight hours a day plus chores, so I'm expending energy of 50+ hours a week. No, I don't get paid overtime and need two jobs (a full-time and part-time job) to support myself with medical costs.

In the four years I've lived here, I'm learning about not having attachments.

San Francisco has changed. In the small four years, I've seen this city become unrecognizable. It's a damn shame too. The city has ruined everything I like. All the good places to eat are gone. All the nice friendly stores have closed. All the people are moving out. The nice parks here? Gone. Destroyed. Anti-homeless barricades have taken their place along with Nazi cameras on every block. ICE prowls the streets in the early mornings of 2AM-5AM. America is a shit-hole.

I'm not even going to mention the name of the “Pussy-grabber” in office. There's no point.

As for me... I've stopped caring.

The Amazon rainforest is burning down, set on fire by corporations and now the earth is on its way to being irreversibly destroyed. I'm just counting the years until I kill myself.

I've lost my attachment to life.

I won't be here for much longer.

That being said, I've learned a lot about letting go.

My grandparents are dead. I don't have any family, that's not abusive, left. I survive on my own.

All my relationships have died off. Even my friends have stopped talking to me. It happens. I've learned to live without friends. When I was a kid I just lived inside my mind, so I'm quite used to being alone.

It hurts sometimes, when I see other humans interacting with each other but I know I'm not one of them, so it doesn't really matter. In the end, all that matters is myself.

I'm writing a little bit. I'm even performing a little bit. Not much else to say.

I've gained weight. I don't exercise much. I don't care to visit the doctor (just paid off $2,000+ doctor visit), so I'd rather just die. I don't even get to travel anymore. My jobs keep me too busy. I'm trying to save money but it's quite pointless. I'll never buy a house or be able to settle down anywhere.

I've started calling myself a witch. It's the closest approximation of what I really am. Witches don't live long. They are usually killed. I've learned to stop caring about being murdered.

I'm not going to accomplish much. It's okay. I don't have to.

My funny friend, whom no one knows, told me, “Cats live for themselves and no one else. Be a cat.” He's right, of course. I joke that I can turn into a cat. I should be like a cat more. Cats don't have attachments.

My intimate relationships are non-existent. The last guy I met and had two dates with left the country. He'll be back later but he'll have moved on. I'm easy to forget. No one cares about me. I just have to move on.

I mentally cross people off and forget about them. My phone has more blocked numbers than saved ones. I've blocked a lot of abusive so-called-family members too. It happens.

I don't form attachments anymore.

I wish I could say I was settled where I live but that would be a lie. I still don't sleep in a proper bed. I don't see the point. All it takes is a fire or earthquake and my place is wiped out.

Tents are torn down in San Francisco daily, even though people have no where to go. Tents are kept in locked cases at Target, in case homeless and poor people try to steal them. Even toothbrushes are kept locked in cases, along with the condoms and birth control. Oddly, the razors are never locked up. I guess they want us to cut ourselves with the razors. That won't do the job. They should give out guns instead...

I'm not really attached to this life. I just pass the time. I eat food and eat again when I'm bored, which is quite often. I try to get through the 8 hour shifts at work by drinking red bull drinks, coffee and espresso shots. Along with the excedrin I take for pain, it helps a little. I try to read books when I can, though San Francisco is cutting the library hours. Soon, there won't be any libraries at all.

I see some protests but I don't care. I'm not a rich college kid with parents who pay my bills. I largely ignore it all. I'm too busy struggling.

I know some people on disability and welfare. They have families. They can afford to do that. One guy in New York I saw had to ask special permission from his Case Worker before he could get an air conditioner in his unit when it was 100 degrees. I don't think it's worth it to depend on the government. It's just a more comfortable version of slavery.

Indentured servitude is what Americans are suffering from. I don't know if there's a way out.

I'm suffering from apathy. I literally can't afford to care.

I'll pay my rent, eat food and go to work. That's all I do. Until I kill myself, there aren't any more options.

I'll go to the gym and do laundry, just to pass the time. I'm not attached to this world. I'm learning to let go of it, day by day, little by little.

I'm not attached to living.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

An Open Letter to the Insurance Market

This morning I went to SFHP, to see if I qualified for the HealthSF program. I did not. Even though I make less than $3,000 (net or whatever it's called) and need a second job to pay for healthcare and hospital bills—they calculate it different.

Based on their strange calculations... something about YTD and current pay stub, mixed with a surprise number from my bank statement... they said I made almost $3,200 a month. Huh?!! Yeah, really. And somehow my gross yearly income is close to $40,000. I would like to see that money someday... I wonder who took it? It certainly didn't go into my bank account, that's for damn sure.

Here I am paying my $900 SRO rent in a 10 x 10 room, working over 40 hours a week with one employer (never paid overtime or sick leave) and now on my second job at around 8 hours a week, with 48 hours total a week... and I'm struggling. My healthcare with Anthem is $363... and it raises every year even with Obamacare's mandate.

My housing and other costs: $1,160 (Rent, PG&E, mailbox, Clipper @ $81/month) and now internet at around $50 a month...

My healthcare costs: $363 a month.

My hospital bills: $250 a month (finally paid off this month in August, from April 2019). Unless I get more “surprise” bills from Sutter Health, who are known to overcharge people.

My “real” income is less than $3,000 a month. In San Francisco, that's poverty level. Every paycheck means I have to calculate what I spend each month. I never get to save anything at all.

I've lost several thousand since moving here in 2015, due to medical bills and having to help my grandparents until they died in 2016. I sold my car ($4,000) to move to San Francisco. I got a second job in 2018 to help pay for medical costs and try to save some money. All that's left now? $300. That's it.

If I went on Covered CA (a known scam if you look at the Yelp reviews), during the Open Enrollment date in October, I won't be covered until January 2020. That's bullshit.

Considering my last debacle with Covered CA...
in which Blue Shield never got my payment from Covered CA and where I called the CA Health Dept. and the woman there told me (I have a video of this!), “I wouldn't put my own family on Covered CA!”
I probably won't go with Covered CA.

Right now, I'm putting my payments late into Anthem because I literally can't afford to pay it on time because I need to pay rent first.

Due to my employer owing me 8 hours of work which he refuses to pay... I have even less money than I'm supposed to.

I still haven't gotten paid from my second job.

I would quit both jobs and go on welfare except I know people on it already, who have to ask permission from their Case Manager just to have an air conditioner in their room—no, I kid you not.

Basically, Covered CA benefits people who want to stay in poverty, have 10 kids, who are married and sponge off their parents. I'm not that lucky. I don't have rich parents to sponge off of. They make way less money than I do but get benefits. I also choose not to have 10 kids and it's nobody's business if I decide to marry.

So I guess the only answer is, be a slave to the government or suffer if you make a little bit of money and never be able to afford anything.

I've known people suffering in their horrible jobs, just so they can keep their health insurance (what tiny bit they get out of it). I believe this is called: indentured servitude. If you look up these words in a Thesaurus and read history, you'll realize this is very close to slavery.

I'm not sure I want to support this broken system.

Do I give up my health insurance, save $363 a month and hope I stay healthy for many years?

Or, do I keep the rip-off $363 a month insurance which gives me no doctor visits, lab tests or covers any hospital visits and allows companies like Sutter Health to overcharge and rip-off patients, forcing them to pay more of their meager income on bills that cost $200+ a month for a year?

Hospitals now threaten their patients with collection agencies if they don't pay on time or have a late payment. Even though in most states (including California) this is supposed to be illegal, they still get away with it. Some people manage to bargain down the hospitals, as long as they make a payment. For others, I know medical bills are the most common reason for bankruptcy and housing loss.

Right now, at least ten people I've seen have had to use crowd-funding to pay for their medical expenses, in the amount of $2,000 or more.

This country still doesn't have healthcare for its citizens. I find that criminal. Considering how much people suffer and lose when they don't have it—the least this country of billionaires can do is offer the lowly citizens free and low-cost coverage.

But that would mean less profits for them. Billionaires are terrified of losing money, it's true. It's their job to keep us poor. If healthcare were free, it would mean regulating a market that has sprouted many heads of corruption... something that billionaires are loathe to do because that is where they make the most money (aside from war and oil).

Covered California is a broken system that works as a middle man to support corrupt insurance companies. Anthem wasn't even on it for a network choice, go figure. Obamacare only lived up to the promise of putting more people on Medi-Cal. We can do better. Employers can do better too. In San Francisco, anyone working 40 hours a week (or more) should have some form of health insurance, regardless of how many employees a company has.

Also, please don't look down on retail workers, baristas or other working-class people who don't have rich parents to sponge off of like you do. Just because we choose not to be on welfare, doesn't mean we should be punished for it. We certainly don't deserve your scorn. We put up with enough shit as it is.